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Monday 16 November 2015

MOTIVATIONAL STORY................

I had secured All India Rank -1 in IIT-JEE examination 2014

I took admission in IIT Bombay and was all set to become a Computer Engineer. But soon after getting the admission I realized that "Computer science is interesting to me, but my passion lies in physics. I wanted to do research, probably in quantum theory". Don't know how, but I developed my keen interest in Physics and decided to quit IIT. Everybody was shocked by this decision and that included even my friends. People used to say that you are a kid and don't know how to take important decisions of your life and you will be earning in lakhs after receiving the Engineering degree from IIT. But as always, I followed my inner soul and not what others said. Finally, I got admission in one of the world most prestigious institution Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and that too with scholarship. I have seen the students who are good in physics and maths are following the herd to seek admission to courses such as computer science and electrical engineering. It will definitely boost up the moral of those students who wish to pursue their interest in pure science but couldn't do that because of the family pressure or money..

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